
What is it?

DH Box is a Linux computer in the cloud. It's simply accessed from any computer as long as you've got an internet connection and some contextual knowledge.

Ready-to-go configurations of Omeka, NLTK, IPython, R Studio, and Mallet live in DH Box. Through this praxis friendly environment, professors and students have instant classroom access to a cadre of gold-standard DH tools. Professors will be able to launch a DH computer lab in just a few minutes and guarantee their students an ideal environment for hands-on learning.

Why use it?

With DH Box, faculty have the freedom to integrate DH tools into their curriculum without relying on external server administration or having to deal with labor intensive software installations, firewalls, and operating system configurations.

DH Box is device agnostic so scholars can research wherever there's an internet connection.

Who is it ideal for?

DH Box is designed for college faculty who have familiarity with DH tools like Omeka, NLTK, R Studio, and Mallet. Do you know what the command line is? Do you know what a server does? If you answered yes, let's get started.

If you're unfamiliar with any of the above, we recommend you engage with some other resources before planning a DH Box launch. Here are several resources to explore:

The Command Line the Hard Way by Zed Shaw

Computer processing terminology by the Apache Software Foundation

Programming Lessons by the Programming Historian

How did they make that? deconstructing DH projects by Miriam Posner

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